An Early Slice of My Life

My first thoughts of God, I'm sure, came from my parents and from Sunday School.  I have this memory of being so small.  Maybe I was 5.  I barely knew how to read.

In Sunday School, using letters that you licked to stick, I spelled out "I LOVE GOD" on a small piece of construction paper.  I felt like hugging that paper to myself. My small child heart overflowed. I felt a presence that I couldn't explain.  And I felt joy.

Life was so simple then!  I think that Kindergarten was my last simple year.  Because first grade was awful.  Suddenly people were unkind.  Suddenly I didn't feel safe. There were rules that were hard for me to keep.  Get a paper done within a certain time frame. I was just learning to form letters and numbers on paper. It didn't come fast to me yet.  I had to get it done ... or ... what?  I didn't know or what.  I did know that the principal had a large board on his wall and it was rumored that he would use it on your behind.  This was terrifying to me.

I felt my first grade teacher hated me.  Maybe she just hated life and I took it personal.  Still, she seemed nice to others.  The kids caught on about how she felt towards me.  I could sense it.  One day I got a paper back - 100% correct!! I was so happy!  A few girls took that paper and I could see them looking at me, and then back at the paper.  They were hovering over it and I could not tell what they were doing.  They changed my answer!  And showed the teacher.  Oh, she praised them for noticing!  I got one wrong after all.  Mean girls.  Kids can tell when a teacher dislikes another kid.  They will play to that for their own advantage. Even at 6 years of age.

Well school went downhill from that point!  I hated it!  And I am sure I will talk more about that another time - right now, my point was how life was nice, and I sensed the presence of God at a very young age.  Then life was not so nice.  But that "Presence" would whisper my name from time to time. So quietly.  I just knew He was there.  I mean, look at the world. The creation. A leaf. A fish. A rock! The sun on my face.  The feel of the cold, cold air as I sped down a hill on a sled.  Life was beautiful. Incredible. God, Your world is amazing!

One day, again when I was very small, I ran outside in a thunder and lightening storm.  "Debbie get in here RIGHT NOW!!" said my mother.  "Nooooo!!!" I hollered back!  Then came the warning - that I could get struck by lightening and DIE!  "I don't care!  I'll go to heaven and see God!"  KABOOM, thunder!  CRACK, KABOOM!!  Lightening and more thunder!  I jumped a mile and ran as fast as my legs could carry me into my house.  Maybe another day.  Not today.  Not today.

The thoughts of a child. This is the world we are born into.  It is absolutely amazing, and absolutely horrible all at the same time. It's a broken world.  A child cannot understand the broken.  The hateful teacher; the mean kids;  they all come from a broken place.  A broken world. Everybody is broken in one way or another.  But God is there, whispering "Come to me."  There is a place of peace to be found.  A place of "unbroken."  A place of great love - redemption - beauty.

I have messed up so many times - if not for His redemption and forgiveness I'd be buried in a pile of past mistakes so deep, I'd never be able to crawl out.  I love the line in the song So Will I "And as You speak, A hundred billion failures disappear."  Where would I be without His forgiveness? Without His love? Where would any of us be?  The power of His love - I know He is there, and He is anything but silent. When I look and listen.


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