
Showing posts from January, 2019

An Early Slice of My Life

My first thoughts of God, I'm sure, came from my parents and from Sunday School.  I have this memory of being so small.  Maybe I was 5.  I barely knew how to read. In Sunday School, using letters that you licked to stick, I spelled out "I LOVE GOD" on a small piece of construction paper.  I felt like hugging that paper to myself. My small child heart overflowed. I felt a presence that I couldn't explain.  And I felt joy. Life was so simple then!  I think that Kindergarten was my last simple year.  Because first grade was awful.  Suddenly people were unkind.  Suddenly I didn't feel safe. There were rules that were hard for me to keep.  Get a paper done within a certain time frame. I was just learning to form letters and numbers on paper. It didn't come fast to me yet.  I had to get it done ... or ... what?  I didn't know or what.  I did know that the principal had a large board on his wall and it was rumored that he would use it on your behind.  This wa