
Is the Rapture of the Church Even in the Bible?

I’ve been wanting to write for a few months about the rapture of the church, and address some misconceptions. I want to explore for those who have heard the term and think “those crazy evangelicals” without having had anyone explain what we mean. This is that explanation. Definition: The Church Simply put, the church is made up of true believers in Jesus Christ, out of all lands and denominations. The simple faith that Jesus is God; that He is the Son in the Trinity. He came to earth and died for my sins. He rose again on the third day. If you are a believer in Jesus - His diety and His blood shed for your sins - that  if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; Rom. 10:9  It's all very simple and then complicated at the same time, because what exactly does it mean to believe? Jesus told Nicodemus You must be born again. This could be another whole blog post, which I will do next. But for no...

First Grade - Forgiveness

As I mentioned in my last post, everything changed in 1st Grade.  I should have been making friends, beginning to grow academically, and receiving new adults into my life with some admiration and respect for them.  But First Grade had a much different impact on my life. Those looks from my teacher. And as the kids caught on; those looks from my peers. There were some super nice kids. I remember them well. But they did not make the unkind kids less intimidating to me. Nor did they make my teacher seem any more friendly.  They were a small comfort in my terrified state - and the weight of their kindness did not overcome the weight of all the bad.  But a comfort they were. One day, I was terrified to come into the school after recess.  Just terrified!  There had been some threat.  If you don't get your papers done ... ?  I don't remember the threat, but I do remember the fear. I hadn't gotten it done.  I stayed outside. At some point, I knew...

An Early Slice of My Life

My first thoughts of God, I'm sure, came from my parents and from Sunday School.  I have this memory of being so small.  Maybe I was 5.  I barely knew how to read. In Sunday School, using letters that you licked to stick, I spelled out "I LOVE GOD" on a small piece of construction paper.  I felt like hugging that paper to myself. My small child heart overflowed. I felt a presence that I couldn't explain.  And I felt joy. Life was so simple then!  I think that Kindergarten was my last simple year.  Because first grade was awful.  Suddenly people were unkind.  Suddenly I didn't feel safe. There were rules that were hard for me to keep.  Get a paper done within a certain time frame. I was just learning to form letters and numbers on paper. It didn't come fast to me yet.  I had to get it done ... or ... what?  I didn't know or what.  I did know that the principal had a large board on his wall and it was rumored that he wou...